What are the benefits of having veneers?
Porcelain veneers are a form of dental treatment that cosmetic dental surgeons use to dramatically change the color and contours of a tooth. They are so versatile that they can be used in various situations from repairing a chipped tooth to a complete smile make-over. A smile make-over can cover various procedures such as: straightening crooked teeth, restoring broken teeth, filling the gaps between teeth, and treating stained and discolored teeth.
Dental veneers are made from durable, ultra thin ceramic casings that are bonded to the front of a patients tooth to hide discoloring, chipping and cracking or to cover unsightly spaces between adjoining teeth. They are designed to seamlessly blend in with surrounding teeth and should last quite a while if taken care of properly.
Visit us on www.happyface.co.in to know more or call us on +91-9830193000 for an appointment now!!!
Keep smiling...
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